To all our treasured customers,

The Enlightened Traveller® closed its doors on 30th September, 2024.

After eighteen years spent delighting the mind, body and soles of its worldwide customer base, The Enlightened Traveller® is hanging up its hiking boots and closing its tours from 30th September 2024.

Life has changed since Covid and, in an increasingly uncertain world, the family has decided that it is time to let others carry the torch: we’ve done our bit for humanity!

Pretenders will doubtlessly seek to occupy the space we leave, but we are unable to recommend alternatives. We are, however, open to consultancy roles with customers and companies on an informal basis.

May we take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to you, our loyal and enlightened customers worldwide. It has been an honour and a pleasure to hopefully surpass your expectations and we wish you much future enjoyment and enlightenment in continuing to discover the wealth of heritage discoverable via the Grande Randonnée/GR trails of France.

Get happy, Get hiking!

The Enlightened Traveller®
Walking Holidays in France Ltd.
Skype: theenlightenedtraveller